Friday, October 31, 2008

Labels be damned

War-time needs war-time decisions. And I am not referring to Iraq. I am referring to the raping of the financial system by greedy capitalists and business owners, in collusion with politicians from both sides of the aisle.  I do not have the patience for labels like "socialism" in the short term any more. 

I am a capitalist. 100% so. I do not give to beggers or to the man who stands in the corner saying "Out of work". But I give to my employees the very last cent that is in the coffers, even if it means no salary for (me) the business-owner; I give to the vendors, even if it means no salary for (me) the business-owner; I pay my bills -- I will not use a credit-negotiating company to negotiate with the creditor and pay 30 cents on the dollar just because the law provides me with a loophole for doing so. I am proudly a capitalist.

I need pragmatic decisions to lift us out of this morass. I do not want an Old Boy's Network to reign supreme in the White House. I want more accountability. I want change.

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