Friday, October 31, 2008

Obama is a socialist with very questionable ties...!!!

Received an email today, that said:
Obama is a socialist with very questionable ties and philosophy, carefully orchestrated so as not to reveal himself, light in  experience, flip-flopping all over the deck, sycophant to the blacks, who wills to destroy the economy through taxation that every financial expert decries as a destructive strategy, who did not vote in many of his Senate duties, who blatantly wants to be the black Robin Hood.
My response to the email:
Warren Buffet is without doubt one of the most respected financial experts in the country. 
During the second 2008 U.S. presidential debate, when asked by debate mediator Tom Brokaw, McCain mentioned Warren Buffett as a possible future Secretary of the Treasury.
But Buffett has formally endorsed Obama and made campaign contributions to Obama's presidential campaign.
Is he a deranged socialist? Why does he not decry Obama's policies as a destructive strategy? 

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