Friday, October 31, 2008

McCain is not Bush!!!

McCain is not Bush!!!! Why punish him for Bush's mistakes?

Let me speak as a business-owner.

If my company failed to deliver their new software on (say) November 4th, can you go in as the new CEO of my company and say to the customer: "I am not Probal. He did not keep his promise. But I am the new CEO of the company. I cannot deliver on the old contract. But give me your next contract." 

What do you think would be the customer's reaction? "Oh I am so glad that Probal is gone. You are so wonderful. Let's forget about the $250,000 loss we just incurred. Here is a new contract for $300,000." ???

Did you just mumble "No"?

McCain is not Bush. Does he deserves our vote? You just answered that question.

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