Friday, October 31, 2008

Who is a more likely CHANGE-AGENT - Obama or McCain?

Are YOU happy with the way things are? Can you point out a single important area where things are as they should be? Can you say you do not want CHANGE, that you want status quo?

As a business-owner, I ask myself: If I wanted change in your company, who would you hire to lead the effort? A 70+ year old experienced hand or a 30-something person of new ideas?

I do not AT ALL mean that just because someone is 30-something or 40-something that person can be a GOOD CHANGE AGENT. But I do say -- let me repeat this: I DO say, that it will take a lot of convincing before I can believe a 70-something can be a good change agent. 

Just the other day I was chatting with friends and remarked -- with reference to one of our common friends that he was "too old to change" -- and the person I was referring to is only 38. I did not say that as a joke. I said that because that person has deep beliefs and habits which will never change.

The country needs CHANGE.
Who is a more likely CHANGE AGENT?

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